Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sick Days...

As I left class today feeling miserable, a real fear came into my mind. In high school, I was one of those kids, always picking up viruses, suffering from allergies and sinus trouble, and the occasional asthma attack. I ended up missing quite a bit of school.
In a high school environment in the future, I can only hope that my poor immune system will have stepped up its game. I know that it's stronger than it once was, if it wasn't I would've been sick all semester with my roommate. In all honesty, how many sick days for a teacher are too many? And how many days do you go in feeling borderline... should I stay in bed or try and suck it up? What happens to the class if I really need to leave?
With so many questions on the issue, I get a bit afraid of getting sick, ever. I don't want to be the teacher whose never there (though I write lesson plans that are intended for anyone to be able to teach)... I can't assess my students properly if I'm not regularly in the classroom. Though I may be over reacting, the fact that I have a tendency to get sick makes me nervous... and I have to be exceedingly careful not to use up time off.

1 comment:

Dr. Luongo said...

As a public school teacher, you will be given about 10 sick days and 2-3 personal days.

How many should you use?

That is really a tough question.
As a first year teacher, the answer is: as few days as possible. Although you do not want to come in sick because you will not be effective (and could get the students sick), you should also try your hardest to have good attendance.

As another person who gets sick quite often (ugh), I find the best way to avoid sickness and sick days as a teacher is to get as much rest as possible. Right now, you are a college student and rest is tough to get... Hopefully once you get your job, you will be able to get on a regular schedule and fight off the illness.

And, most importantly, I hope you feel better!