Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Higher Education

The reality of being a secondary education teacher means we must prepare students for oh-so-dreaded standardized testing but ultimately for higher education. Aside from the burden of preparing students for the rigorous academic expectations, having knowledge about financial concerns and the reality of applications is essential.
As an English teacher, I will certainly offer my services with writing essays, even making it a part of the curriculum. It is, after all, a persuasive essay.
A high school teacher must be aware of the problems that face students looking at higher education, the potential that they may not be able to attend because of financial concerns. The article included is all about the potential of decreasing the costs. High school teachers can be the first line of information for students about college. Not every parent is thinking about this matter. So having a teacher there who knows the ropes can help, a lot. Hearing that the amount of money a student spends on their education does not necessarily equate the value of the education received. Encouragement from a high school teacher can be the first step in the right direction for a student.


1 comment:

Will said...

yes, education is not simply "readin' writin' and 'rithmatic." Sometimes a teacher needs to go above and beyond the curriculum. amen sister.